The steam of the Petitcodiac River creates a barrier between Dieppe & Moncton
The steam of the Petitcodiac River creates a barrier between Dieppe & Moncton
Two buildings stand tall and one is barely peaking over the rising steam of the river.
Two buildings stand tall and one is barely peaking over the rising steam of the river.
Assumption, Blue Cross, Bell Aliant & the Cathedral are standing just above the clouds.
Assumption, Blue Cross, Bell Aliant & the Cathedral are standing just above the clouds.
Trees covered in frost while smoke billows from the chimneys behind.
Trees covered in frost while smoke billows from the chimneys behind.
Subway behind where I was taking the pictures was getting deliveries. Sneaking a peak inside.
Subway behind where I was taking the pictures was getting deliveries. Sneaking a peak inside.
Sunsets & Cat Tails
Sunsets & Cat Tails
Snow barely covering the cat tails that are standing tall!
Snow barely covering the cat tails that are standing tall!
Looking accross the bay!
Looking accross the bay!
Lunar Eclipse this weekend!
Lunar Eclipse this weekend!
The zone is closed!
The zone is closed!
Circling on to make final approach into YQM.
Circling on to make final approach into YQM.
Making the turn for final!
Making the turn for final!
On appraoch into YQM into the sunset
On appraoch into YQM into the sunset
Approaching YQM to drop off precious cargo!
Approaching YQM to drop off precious cargo!

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